Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 10 the finale

This has been an adventure. I have learned so much and I have added many websites to my favorites. I plan to use them in the future. I can't wait to get my Ipod especially that I'm the only one who does not have one in my household. I plan to listen to music and downloadable books while I do my exercise or go for a walk. It will come in very handy.

thank you,

week 9

I think that we have to be real. There are many programs out there, for example Lime Wire where the kids download music for free. So why not have a couple of their songs from their CDs on certain websites for free and if they like it, surely they will go and buy the CD. These artist make a lot of money so what's the big deal if we can download one or two songs for free.

week 8

I enjoy looking at the pictures.I think its a great idea because if someone is traveling and maybe wants to look at some pictures of where they are going, they can probably find them there. I have enjoyed this on-line learning and yes I have asked my co-worker to help me here and there. I think many of us have asked each other for help. We all want to finish this project and get the prize.

Week 7

I checked out traineo and I joined. I've been trying to lose weight since last year and I am losing, slowly but losing. This will be a great way to monitor my calories and my weight. I love the Blufr and the puzzle player because I always buy the word search magazine so now I can do it online. Thanks for showing us these website.

Week 6

I checked out the websites and I think they are great. For someone who loves to read, these websites come in handy. I have helped patrons that walk around with a little notepad of all the books they have read. They sometimes can't remember what they have read so they write it down. They can use one of the website to organize the books and also the website "What will I read next?" will be great for them. I know I'll probably use them in the future.

Week 6

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Week 4

I'm really glad that I decided to do this task. I've learn how to create a blog, how to get information and this comes in handy because it will be very popular in the future. Remember when there was no internet and now you have all the information in the world at your fingertips. I checked out Youtube and I saw one of the clips from Staff Day. So anyone who would like to see it can do it by just typing OCLS. This is great. I think this is also a great way to contact a lost long friend from high school. You might be clicking around on the internet and come across an old friend. Can't wait till next week task and also for the MP3 player.:)